«Homo est minor mundus»
(Man is a world in miniature)
— Boethius was a Roman philosopher and senator..
The Goldfish project was born from the need to create an "other" place, a fluid and changeable container of ideas, notes, curiosities and suggestions.
A single virtual space, potentially infinite, in which to keep track of what has left a mark on us.
We imagine it as an open box into which time after time we put small fragments and little treasures, like shells and pebbles collected on the beach.
"The Goldfish" is a hub, a collector of information and experiences, a funnel into which we let flow everything that interests us: like a nineteenth-century Wunderkammer The Goldfish is a place of wonder, a virtual "Cabinet de Curiosité", an open-air museum , a “Room of Necessities” that materializes and takes on its own shape and identity depending on what piques our curiosity and makes our eyes sparkle.
As butterfly collectors we chase pills of culture, innovations, memories, dreams and chimeras, ready to capture them and pin them on our very personal table to turn the hourglass and steal them from time.
What makes The Goldfish unique is its identity, due to a deliberately very personal selection of contents: we always write about what amazes us and catches our eye.
We chase wonder, the charm of the exceptional and the unexpected.
We choose to tell stories that we "feel", that resonate with our being, our curiosity and our intellectual exploration. In this sense, The Goldfish is for us like looking in the mirror and seeing its reflection in continuous evolution, a kaleidoscope in which these fragments of culture separate, mix and recompose in eternal and always different combinations.
Precisely for this reason The Goldfish is for us a magnifying glass on the world, a tailor-made experience, made to measure like a suit, because it is a constantly evolving project that grows with us.
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To you, alchemist of perfection and knight of time, we address this journey in search of beauty, detail and imperfection, hoping one day to be able to transform lead into gold.
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Articolo a cura di Vittoria Poletti e Federico Poletti.
Immagini: Vittoria Poletti per ©TheGoldfish. Riproduzione riservata.